The Season of Easter

April 9- May 28, 2023: During Easter we shout for joy because Jesus is risen from the dead!

This material can be found in the Book of Shared Spirituality. This webpage is not meant to replace possession of a Book of Shared Spirituality (BOSS), but to help the church family orient to this journey of reading and engaging with the scriptures together.

Easter Week 5: May 7, 2023

Texts: Acts 7:55-60

Psalm 31:1-5,15-16

John 14:1-14

1 Peter 2:2-10

Passage for Memorization/Meditation:

John 14:6

Easter Week 6: May 14, 2023

Texts: Acts 17.22-31

Psalm 66.8-20

John 14.15-21

1 Peter 3.13-22

Passage for Memorization/Meditation:

John 14.16-17

Ascension Sunday: May 21, 2023

Texts: Acts 1.6-14

Psalm 68.1-10, 32-35

John 17.1-11

1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11

Passage for Memorization/Meditation:

1 Peter 5:8-9

Pentecost: May 28, 2023

Texts: Numbers 11:24-30

Psalm 104.24-34, 35b

John 7.37-39

Acts 2.1-21

Passage for Memorization/Meditation:

Acts 2.2-4