Who we are
Located in Garfield Heights, OH, at The Rock we try to take a simple and straightforward approach to church. With a warm and loving atmosphere we want people to know that faith isn’t a guilt trip. Christianity is relevant, church can be meaningful, and a relationship with Jesus is life-changing. You won’t find anyone here trying to pretend to be spiritual superstars. We are real people who are committed to deepening our relationship with God and others.
We are committed to traditional and vintage Christian beliefs that are summarized in the creeds of the church. However, no matter where you’re at on your spiritual journey, we want you to know that you’re welcome here. We want to be a safe place for you to explore authentic Christianity or grow in the faith.
We are also deeply committed to service, justice, and compassion. We desire to see transformation of our people, our homes, our neighborhoods, our cities, and our world through sharing the Good News of God’s Kingdom in meaningful and practical ways.
What is important to us
We are committed to traditional and vintage Christian beliefs that are summarized in the creeds of the church. However, no matter where you’re at on your spiritual journey, we want you to know that you’re welcome here. We want to be a safe place for you to explore authentic Christianity or grow in the faith.
We are also deeply committed to service, justice, and compassion. We desire to see transformation of our people, our homes, our neighborhoods, our cities, and our world through sharing the Good News of God’s Kingdom in meaningful and practical ways.
We desire to connect to Christ through personal and corporate worship. We desire to connect the body of Christ through small groups. We desire to connect the disconnected through service and sharing the Gospel.
We value truth, diversity, holistic outreach, spiritual community and kingdom partnerships. Read our complete value statements.

Why do you start your service at 10:02AM?
We’re glad you asked. It’s to remind us of something that Jesus said in Luke 10:2. “And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’ When Jesus tells us to pray for something, we should probably take it seriously.
God is on mission in our world, restoring the broken, reconciling relationships, transforming hearts and minds, and saving souls. He’s invited us to join Him on that mission. We start our worship service at 10:02 AM with this prayer to remind ourselves that as part of the Church, we’re not here for ourselves. We gather together as people who are sent; sent out into the world by Jesus to share His love and serve others in His name.
What this means for you
What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at the Rock . We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the Rock family.